Emergency Chiropractic Services:
Emergency Chiropractic care covers a wide range of issues, including neck pain, back pain, numbness, sciatica, and much more! In addition to providing spine care services, we will educate you about living a healthy lifestyle with proper exercise, diet, and nutrition. After one visit to our office, you will see why chiropractic care is the safe and effective alternative to back surgery.
Physical and muscular problems such as strains, spasms, tightness, and imbalances can be addressed by your Omaha chiropractor. An unexpected source of mechanical back pain is foot dysfunction – chiropractors are your best place for a comprehensive foot examination to see if this is your root cause of back pain, and then treat it accordingly. Herniated disks in the vertebrae can cause severe back pain and are a chiropractic emergency.
Our doctors provide superb chiropractic care, with a personal touch and clinical excellence in multiple locations. We are here to help you reach your goals.
We also specialize in preventative actions to live healthy, happy and well.
Another misconception about Chiropractic care is that always involves “popping or cracking” of the joints. At our office we utilize the latest Chiropractic instruments that don’t involve “popping or cracking” but rather a low-force high velocity force to provide adjustments to the joints and get you feeling better. We cater our treatments to what our patients are comfortable with.
Do You Have a Chiropractic Emergency?
Here’s some of the conditions we can help with:
- Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Sciatica
- Pinched nerve
- Scoliosis, Posture screening
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Upper, Middle or Low Back Pain
- Neck Pain & Stiffness
- Shoulder Pain
- Numbness or tingling in arms or hands
- Tingling or Numbness in thigh, legs or feet
- Disc problems
- TMJ or jaw pain in the joint of the jaw
- Extremity Pain (Arm or Leg)
- Hip or pelvic issues (clicking or pain )
- Sacroiliac pain
- Arthritis or degenerative joints in spine
- Posture improvement
- Text neck in teens or adolescents